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What is the Cost of a Gorilla Safari?

What is the Cost of a Gorilla Safari?


When it comes to safaris to Africa, many think you need millions saved in the account to be able to take part in such lovely experiences like mountain gorilla trekking. Well, what is interesting is that you can be part of this life changing experience even without necessarily having huge sums of money. To take

Why You Should Hire a Porter While on Safari

Why You Should Hire a Porter While on Safari

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Did you know that hiring a porter and walking plays a significant role in gorilla trekking? For starters, hiring a porter and walking stick is one essential thing any trekker on a primate safari in Uganda, Rwanda or the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) should think about. There are many reasons why you should

Planning a Gorilla Safari – Things to Know

Planning a Gorilla Safari – Things to Know


Many travelers visiting Esat Africa today opt for gorilla tracking within the jungle forests of Bwindi in Uganda and Mgahinga National Park.  However a successful gorilla safari requires good preparation and planning given that this adventure is one of few lifetime wildlife viewing experiences that one will ever take in the world. Here are some

How to Book Gorilla Permits (Step by Step Guide)

How to Book Gorilla Permits (Step by Step Guide)


Gorilla Permit Booking Information You need a gorilla permit handled by each of the national parks to track the mountain gorillas. Here we provide a step by step guide with all the relevant gorilla permit booking information for Rwanda and Uganda to enable you plan your tour in advance. Usually you have to obtain a

Why You Need to Book a Gorilla Safari Early?

Why You Need to Book a Gorilla Safari Early?


Gorilla tracking is a famous, highly demanded and most sought after wildlife experience around the world and any traveler wishing to visit Africa for wildlife safaris can never think of missing out on mountain gorilla trekking. The mountain gorillas (beringei beringei) are found at an altitude of 1160m to 2600m in the misty regions of

What to Expect from a Gorilla Safari

What to Expect from a Gorilla Safari


Traveling to view mountain gorillas has irrefutably become a dream for most if not all the tourists to Africa. Many different people have written and narrated about how gorilla trekking is an amazing experience which brings you close to the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitats. The most interesting stories and the unforgettable adventures